Andrews Wins High Sierra Regatta
by Trent Watkins
courtesy of David Kennedy
We had 7 U20's make the trip July 9th and 10th.
1. John Andrews & Family--Cinderella Story #153
2. John Buchanan & Crew -- Enigma #97
3. Bill Andrews & Crew -- Salsa #94
4. Trent Watkins & Chuck Allen -- UFO #27
5. Bruce Masterson -- #180
6. David Kennedy -- #31
7. Mark Engelhardt -- Too Tough #2!
8. Duncan Ross MyWay #160
On Friday July 8th I thumbed a ride with Chuck who had UFO in tow about 2hrs from the lake and we literally thundered up the mountain with Chuck's sweet diesel F250. Thanks for the tow Chuck! Leaving 100 degree weather in the valley we arrived at the lake to a nice 85 Degree temp and prime sailing conditions. Many of the U20's were already there at 2pm on Friday. A few of us were out sailing by 3-4pm and getting a feel for the lake.
Race Day!
Saturday the U20's had the 2nd start with the Flying Duchmen. But the I14 fleet
had other ideas such as missing their start and taking the 2nd start of the
day. So the U20's and Flying Duchmen held off and took the 3rd start. So the
first start of the day was a bit discombobulated on our part. I'm not sure if
that's why UFO managed to spin Cinderella Story off the committee end of the
start line forcing them to split tacks with the fleet right off the start. In
true form Cinderella Story took the
lead once again in the first race with the rest of us fighting for the 2nd place
spot. UFO, Enigma and Salsa were all fighting tooth and nail for that 2nd and
3rd spot. #31 and #180 were also in the mix swaping tacks with us along with
Too Tough. It was close racing till the windward mark when the wind went light
and broke things up a little. There was a minor moment of confusion involving
a Flying duchmen sailing down wind as three of us approached the windward mark,
all three of us were on starbard and going up wind. The offending Duchmen was
on port and going down wind bearing down on our windward mark. Chuck and I yelled
at the 2nd Duchmen which peeled away just in time while the 1st one proceeded
to argue who had rights
and plowed head first into #31 or #180 not sure which. I drove high and around
the mess as the U20 and Duchmen ran down the mark and sorted out the mess.
Race 2 on Saturday
This time we started without the Flying Duchmen which were sailing a different
course than us. So we got our own start, UFO didn't get the greatest start as
we delayed our approach at 30 seconds to go Too Tough litterally stormed over
us at full throttle hitting the line dead on. (Lucky!!) We almost climbed over
them about 50 boatlengths out then they closed the door on us and we had to
tack back right which isn't the way to go on Huntington Lake. We managed to
get past Too Tough and fought with Bill Andrews on Salsa for the third place
spot. Enigma and Cinderella Story were in their own race at this point.
U20 Potluck Party on Saturday night.
Saturday night was a blast with a great potluck dinner party for 40+ people
at the Andrew's condo up on the hill above the lake. The days racing and current
U20 events were replayed well into the night while people dined on tri-tip,
lasagna, sausages, caesar salad and other delicious dishes.
Race 3.
We started in the 2nd start only most of the I14 guys seemed to think it was
there start until the combination of the U20, Fly duchmen and the race committee
shouting at them that they were 2 min late to their start convinced them to
get moving. UFO got a decent start as did the rest of the fleet. Again Enigma
found some serious speed and had their gun sights on Cinderella
Story. I think Enigma took the lead from Cinderella Story at one point. UFO's
plan was to keep Bill on Salsa behind us and keep Enigma in the target range.
We rounded the windard mark Ok but with a rough set which gave Bill a gain from
behind. Zig Zagging across the lake we had to drop the kite for a tight reach
then set again. So we dropped on the starbard side to set up the next set. We
caught #180 I think right at the mark during the tight reach with the jib, Rounded
and during our set managed to get the kite in the water, a puff of wind and
bingo the rudder was out of the water and Salsa called us on our mistake and
cruised by. We got the boat moving again but Bill had the bit in his teeth and
wasn't going to give up his 3rd place spot. The last up wind leg Bill was able
to get another boat between us to secure his 3rd over all!! Whew what a weekeend!!
Enigma! You guys were on fire! -- I really hope to see you in Santa Cruise. John B. I hope your doing the Midwinters on Enigma this winter. We need to reel John Andrews in before the NAT's next summer.
Great trip everyone!
Trent Watkins
#27 UFO